
A shoulder to lean on

The Situation

Losing a spouse or significant other can be an agonizing and bewildering time. As you grieve over your loss, it may be useful to have impartial and experienced support to help you consider impending financial decisions that can affect you for the rest of your life. You may be thinking about what needs to be taken care of first?

Areas to consider include:

Having the support and guidance of a financial professional who has helped others through this trying time is a useful first step. We aim to lift the burden of financial stress and uncertainty that experiencing the loss of loved one brings. As with many significant life changes, a bereavement will often bring about planning issues that need careful consideration.

How We Help

We help our clients to see past emotions and reach decisions about what financial changes, if any, need to be made following the loss of a spouse or significant other. We support you throughout the entire process.

The Daltium process includes:

Maximizing tax saving opportunities after the change in your status

Revisiting your estate plan and making updates,

Reviewing pension options to understand any impact on your overall financial plan,

Evaluating and amending your financial plan to take account of the change,

Tax planning and preparation in coordination with philanthropic giving.